Quality PCB, Flex PCB Manufacturing & PCBA Services
No.2, Lane 188, Ming-Te Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Contact Us

No.2 Lane 188, Ming-Te Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
Tel: +886-2-2826-3483
Fax: +886-2-2826-5167
E-Mail: sale@welsa.com
- Factory 1:
No 49, Lu Hsin St., Lu Chu Shiang, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan.
-Factory 2:
No.51-5, Sec.2 Wenjung Road, Chung-Li City, Taoyuan Hsien, Taiwan.
Quotation Requirements
File Guidelines and General Information
All Gerber files received by Welsa will be protected for your designing rights.
If NDA required , please provide us !
To speed up time and avoiding any mistake in production. Please provide your PCB Gerber file and BOM with completed information and meet the following requirements.
File type by designing software (CAD) should be in Gerber RX-274-X format.
Units are either in English units (inch) or metric units (mm)
All aperture file(s) are required to be sent with the gerber files
Drill chart, board outline, trace/space information are required
For more accurate quotes please include a (ReadMe) that contains the following information :
List of every file name with a brief description
Layer stack up sequence
Impedance control requirement information (if required)
BOM file if assembly required
Mechanical drawing if box or cables assembly required
Required Engineering Data For PCBA
To help your development of products successfully move into the pilot run/mass production, we have specifically listed all items you should prepare in advance to save your precious time. For any questions, please feel free to contact us for consultation.
BOM in Digital File
1. Combined SMT components (top side and bottom side) and DIP components in one BOM
(please provide the rule to assign the part numbers and how to identify the parts on both sides).
2. List SMT components (top side and bottom side) and DIP components in two separate BOMs
(please provide the way to identify the parts on both sides).
3. List SMT top side components, SMT bottom side components, and DIP components in three
different BOMs.
Digital Assembly coordinates file (CAD, .txt file)
Auxiliary data
1. Discard board for profile setting (boards with scrapped important parts are preferable)
2. Sample board(board with all components on it)
3. Empty PCB
4. Stencil
5. Other notes
1. Please do not provide chip R/C in bulk or components in segment
2. Please do not provide used IC.
Notes for PCB fabrication
Request data for PCB fabrication: board thickness, surface finish, board material, solder mask color, text color